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For Updated Publication list, Please visit my google scholar


13. Chang Won Ahn, Jae Hun Jo, Jong Chan Kim, Hamid Ullah, Sangkyun Ryu, Younghun
Hwang, Jin San Choi, Jongmin Lee, Sanghan Lee, Hyoungjeen Jeen, Young-Han Shin, Hu
Young Jeong, Ill Won Kim, Tae Heon Kim, Highly ordered lead-free double perovskite halides
by design, Journal of Materiomics, 6, 651-660 (2020)

12. Muhammad Sheraz Khan, Lijie Shi, Bingsuo Zou, Hamid Ullah, Effect of Vanadium doping on optoelectronic and magnetic properties of wurtzite ZnS crystal, Optik, 103, 391-402 (2019).
11. Hamid Ullah, Mohammad Noor-A-Alam, Young-Han Shin, Vacancy- and substitution-dependent electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer SnS2 , Journal of American Ceramic Society, 103, 391-402 (2019).
10. Muhammad Sheraz Khan, Lijie Shi, Hamid Ullah, Xiongtao Yang, Bingsuo Zou, Ab-initio study of optoelectronic and magnetic properties of Mn-doped ZnS with and without vacancy defects, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31, 485706 (2019).
9. Muhammad Sheraz Khan, Lijie Shi, Xiongtao Yang, Sajjad Ali, Hamid Ullah, Bingsuo Zou, Optoelectronic and magnetic properties of Mn-doped and Mn-C co-doped wurtzite ZnS: A first-principles study, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31, 395702 (2019).
8. Hamid Ullah, Mohammad Noor-A-Alam, Hye Jung Kim, Young-Han Shin, Influences of vacancy and doping on electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer SnS, Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 065102 (2018).
7. Mohammad Noor-A-Alam, Hamid Ullah, Young-Han Shin, Switchable Polarization in Mn Embedded Graphene, Scientific Reports, 8, 4538 (2018).
6. Hamid Ullah, Kalsoom Inayat, S.A .Khan, S. Mohammad, A.Ali, Z.A. Alahmed, A.H. Reshak, First-principles calculation on dilute magnetic alloys in zinc blend crystal structure, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 385, 27–31 (2015).

5. N. Ullah, H. Ullah, G. Murtaza, R. Khenata, S. Ali, Structural phase transition and opto- electronic properties of ZnS under pressure, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 17, 1272–1277 (2015).
4. Shu Ye, Lei Zhu, Asghar Ali, Kefayat Ullah, Hamid Ullah, Won-Chun Oh, Enhanced Physical and Thermal Performance of Expanded Graphite-Based Heat Sink for LED Radiator, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 27, 4076-4080 (2015).
3. Hamid Ullah, A.H. Reshak, Kalsoom Inayat, R.Ali, G. MURTAZA, S.A .Khan, Sheraz, H.U. Din, Z.A. Alahmed, Structural, elastic, optoelectronic and optical properties of CuX (X= F, Cl, Br, I): A DFT study, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 16, 1493–1502 (2014).
2. Roshan Ali, G. Murtaza, Y. Takagiwa, R. Khenata, Haleem Uddin, Hamid Ullah, S.A .Khan, Optoelectronic Properties, Elastic Moduli and Thermoelectricity of SrAlGa: An Ab Initio Study, Chinese Physics Letters, 31, 047102 (2013).
1. Roshan Ali, S.Mohammad, Hamid Ullah, S. A . Khan, H. Uddin, M. Khan, N. U. Khan, The structural, electronic, and optical response of IIA-VIA compounds through the modified Becke-Johnson potential, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 410, 93-98 (2013).

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